Recruiting in France
France has not really experienced shortages for skilled talent, however recruiting employees can be tough.
Due to its expertise and network, Nord France Invest can help the companies they support find their 1st employee in key jobs. Due to the help of institutions such as Pole Emploi, Nord France Invest will assist you in finding the right talent for your business. There are also programmes such as Proch’ Emploi – created by the Hauts-de-France – which connect businesses and job-seekers.
French Competitiveness Clusters
Competitiveness clusters are crucial for companies to have a strategic and commercial advantage.
There are around 71 competitiveness clusters in France. 21 Hauts-de-France has also 7 of the best performing clusters in France: Bioeconomy For Change, Aquimer, I-Trans, Team2, Euramaterials, Clubster NSL and Cap Digital Transport.
Many centres of excellence back these clusters: the Agence Hauts-De-France, Smart Specialisation Strategy, and regional schools and universities. They aim to expand skills in certain sectors such as agrifood, retail, health and R&D.
Source: 21 DGE
22 Welcome to France
Research Tax Credit
The Research Tax Credit can be very beneficial to companies. At the moment, it represents 30% of a companies’ eligible annual research and development
The R& D tax credit can be a huge asset for your company in France. Currently, the R&D tax credit is equal to 30% of a business’ allowed annual research and development costs up to €100 million per year & 5% over this amount.23